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Keep Them

Writer's picture: Lauren MitchellLauren Mitchell

More than any year, I want to wrap my kids up and keep them. For a lot of us school starts this next week, for some of us it started last week, GOOD NEWS, prayer is timeless. It is so hard for me to let go of my children, every year, every day. I know how much God does in my life through the hard things. I have to repent of trying to avoid them. I know how much God can and will do in my children’s life through their hard things. It isn’t my job to run dictate their days. God will guard them from the evil one forever, he will set them apart from this generation (Psalm 12:7).

The best way to start any school year out is prayer, this year let’s double that. Not only do our kids need prayer, those teachers and administrators need prayer. I’ve attached suggested prayers for our first weeks of school, notice I said weeks. Prayer is not a once and done. I’ve created 5 prayer cards that can be repeated week after week if you wish. Print these cards out, go through one each day. Keep them as bookmarks, put them on your fridge, frame them by the sink, put them on the bathroom mirror, keep them in the car for the school drop-off & pick-up lines! There are countless ways to use and remember these.

Praying for them to discern the Truth from lies and be set free from deception which is

Satan’s best tool. Knowing the truth and learning how to use it is what will set them free (John 8:32). I want them to live a life of sweet freedom from so many things like shame and fear. To be set free of these they have to be able to recognize them. So praying about this is crucial, not just that we will recognize it, but that they will recognize the Truth themselves. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. As they know Him, and learn to abide in Him, they will learn to spot the deceptions of this world. I want them to start practicing now.

Let’s pour less energy into manipulating their circumstances and more into prayer for God to direct them and protect them. It’s the best way to fight for my children. Don’t grow weary in doing good. Don’t throw away your confidence, it has a great reward Hebrews 10:35.

The prayers are given below

or you can follow the link in the picture below to printable prayer cards.

Day 1

Father, we pray for protection for over our children. Help our children to feel safe not because of masks or protocols, but because you go before them and behind them. God guard not just their bodies but their hearts. Keep fear from seeping into their days. Insert hope into their souls through the Holy Spirit. We are a people of hope, let us carry it with us to our schools, and everywhere else we set our feet. Give us all courage not to shrink back but to push forward. In Jesus name, Amen.

Day 2

Father, help my children to be good students, not just in school, but of life. This year has been one opportunity after another for learning to trust you. Open their eyes to the way that you are and have been with us. Let it give them confidence to walk forward with you. Give them a desire for wisdom and knowledge that will serve them all their lives. In Jesus name, amen

Day 3

“Let us take up the shield of faith with which we can extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one.” Help us to keep that shield covering not just ourselves but our families. Let our faith have a trickle-down effect to our children’s confidence in you. Let them learn to raise their shield of faith against the lies that Satan will surely throw at them this school year. Remind them whose they are and let them walk in that identity. Give them friends that they need who will help them stand, and also Jesus, we ask you to give them friends that need them. In Jesus name, Amen.

Day 4

Father, we come to ask you for favor for our children, in your eyes and also they eyes of man. Help them not to seek favor in man’s eyes at the expense of the favor of God. Set a guard over their hearts. God, please guard them from the evil one forever, and set them apart from this generation (Psalm 12:7). While at the same time making them like stars that shine in the midst and bring glory to your name. In Jesus name, Amen.

Day 5

Father, thank you that your purposes for our children do not fail. We pray that you make them worthy of your calling and fulfil every resolve for good and every work of faith by your power (2Thessalonians 1:11). God, help us as parents to do the hard work of discipline and building up in love. Then let us trust that you will finish the work that you started in them, and you will bring them to completion. Let your name be glorified in our family. In Jesus name, Amen.

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