Believe. It’s my word for 2021. I realize that the year is about to come to an abrupt stop. I want to finish well, so I’m evaluating the word I got from God in January. Believe. This last week I ran across another verse to add to my collection of verses on belief:
Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said,
streams of living water will flow from within him.
John 7:38
There was nowhere in that verse that talked about streams of living water coming from my effort, or my ingenuity. Abundance isn’t about my provision. It’s a shift from a mindset of earning or deserving to a mindset of believing and receiving. Sometimes I push and pull on that door trying to muster up living water with my own strength. God has been showing me that the only thing that makes it flow is belief and open hands.
All I have to do to fill my cup is believe that God fills my cup. He provides the streams of living water. The key word in these verses is flow. Flowing water isn’t still. It keeps moving. What God provides for me isn’t for me to hoard or hold tight, I am to receive it with open hands so that it can flow through me and to others. It can be hard to do this, and I have to believe that the source isn’t going to run out. Holding my gifts with open hands shows my trust in the giver.
As this year comes to a close, I am determined to focus on the time left to really live the word God gave me this year, not with a sense of urgency that time is running out, but more in a way of filling the time with belief. I’m going to revisit the things I have believed God for this year. I’m going to celebrate victories and lament the places I wished I had believed God more fully. I’m going to really sit in that word and ask God to wrap it up so I can carry it with me into next year as a collection of lessons to remember and fall back on.
Then, I am going to look forward to the word God has for 2022 to add to my collection. I am going to believe Him for a word and wait to receive it.
God, remind me that my belief blesses you and opens the store houses of heaven. Remind me that you control the flow so I am never empty. I can believe you to be enough. Thank you that the work you ask of me is to believe in you (John 6:29), and that asking for help to believe isn’t just suggested but in fact necessary.