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  • Writer's pictureLauren Mitchell

Something we ARE in Control of

We get to choose what we will do with it.

Even though it seems like everything is beyond our control right now, it isn’t.

Time has been given to us. It’s been handed over on a silver platter.

Would you like a break from the race?

Here, have a month without school, sports, or several other commitments.

We are in control of what we do with this time. We can look at this as a gift, or an inconvenience. God has literally handed us a Get-out-of-everything free pass with no guilt attached for saying “no”! We get to choose what we will do with this gift. The choice is in our control. Some of us will use it to binge Netflix, shop online, scroll social media, obsess over what’s happening, or even go crazy and not get out of our pajamas for a week. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with some of these; I am completely in favor of the last one.

It’s been a couple days, and the novelty is wearing off, it’s becoming harder to distract ourselves. Give in, sit down with God. There hasn’t ever been more time for it. Get in a rhythm of devotions, quiet time with God. It enables us to seize our moments and see them for what they really are. It clears the fog of selfishness and give us purpose.

My point is this: Even though this seems like an eternity of time, it isn’t, it will pass more quickly than we think. I don’t want to waste it. Don't let it slip through your fingers either. Steal the time back, weigh it down with meaning.

God has given us this opportunity to relearn what it means to Be Still and remember that He is God: please don’t miss it. It’s a lost art, but it’s so beneficial. We don’t want to get still because when we do, we aren’t distracted from things that need tended in our soul. When we are still, we can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, that’s why we don’t want to do it. If we haven’t listened in a while, we don’t want to hear what He has to say. It can seem overwhelming. Sometimes it’s sin that needs dealt with and sometimes it’s hurt that we want to ignore, and most often…a little of both.

There are all these things that our hope is often cleverly disguised in…health, paychecks, availability of milk and TP. We don’t realize how much we set our heart on them, but we do. Our hearts are set on comfort.

This is an opportunity to reset. Let’s don’t miss it.

Be brave, and Be Still and remember that He is God. Remember that He is there, even when our schedules pick back up, and they will, He will still have time for you.


If you want some guidance I did a 10 day restart of prayers at the beginning of the year.

If you click on the link below it takes you to my home page, click on the RESTART button and you can print or downl

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