Less thinking and more thanking. I wrote this on my bathroom mirror. I'm using it as a safeguard for my mind this week because when I think, I go in circles.
I hear Gwen Stefani, "I'm walking into spider webs" playing in my mind. Those lyrics are exactly what I feel like most days. I get stuck inside my thoughts and I'm completely exhausted but have accomplished nothing.
This is exactly why Jesus told us not to be anxious for tomorrow because tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Thinking, and really I mean overthinking, is not going to change a thing. I don't know outcomes, they aren't my domain. I have no business trying to get to tomorrow before tomorrow. It saps me of energy.
Listen to the message translation of Mathew 6:33:
"What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving."
I felt like Jesus was just talking directly to me. I get so preoccupied with what I am getting and doing, I forget where it came from and don't respond in thankfulness to God for His gifts. I just mentally check it off the list of something I don't have to think about anymore.
When I skip the step of thankfulness I miss the joy it unlocks. Recognizing God's giving reminds me that He sees me, little me, and loves me. He cares about all the little and big things. Thankfulness elevates my perspective and reminds me that things are not on my shoulders.

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow." verse 34
God wants me to relax. Say that to yourself and soak it in. He just wants me to give my entire attention to Him.
My striving is pointless. It costs me lots of sleep and peace which is like gold to me in this stage of life. I want to be present because I know that Satan wants to steal my moments. He wants me to miss all the things God is handing out to me because I'm preoccupied. He wants me so mentally exhausted in imaginary spider webs that I don't have strength for actual living.
I'm asking God to help me see when I fall into thinking about managing my circumstances like they are up to me. There are times that I have thought through every angle of a problem or situation and I feel like I prayed about it, when I actually only thought about it. Thinking and praying are not the same.
When I start walking into spider webs, I am going to change direction and start thanking God for everything He gives...out loud. I want to rebuild a habit of thanking for God's provision, maybe even before it arrives. I'm pretty certain that would make Him smile.
I want to make it a habit that I turn into a lifestyle.