Why is a word better than a resolution?
More than just a resolution, when I pick a word for the year it helps me focus in multiple areas. It simplifies my goals.
We take in so much information on a daily basis, unlike any other culture before us. Focusing on one word helps me streamline everything else. It's like a filter for what I'm absorbing. It sets a theme and a rhythm for my days by looking for the application of my word in everything I do. That kind of focus with God can usher in real transformation.
Sometimes we try to take in too much information when we just need to settle on one thing. Long term change takes time. There are so many great books I've read, sermons I've listened to, and even Bible verses I have loved that never really got applied to my life because I moved on too fast.
You too?
I challenge you to take some time, ask God for your word. Seek Him, and He will give you an answer. Give it a minute, New Year's isn't a magic day. Make sure you listen for the word God wants you to get a rhythm for this next year. He has been confirming my word since early November.
(See blog on Monday to find out my word for 2024)
Change happens over time. The truth is each new day is a fresh start. God designed a twenty-four hour period of reset. Let's embrace it. Having one word for the year means I get 365 days to try and fail, and hear about my progress from God's heart. More than that, I get to notice my progress and celebrate it with God. Picking one word also helps me not forget it by next week.
If you really have no idea where to start, look at a verse you really love. Stop on each word and think about them. Maybe there is something you really want to understand about God or yourself like: peace, joy, belief, present, faithful, or love. Maybe you want to take action with a word like: obedience, discipline, surrender, confidence, or courage.
Last thoughts, remember this is about God. He is what brings the transformation. Ephesians 3:16 tells us that God can grant us to be "strengthened with power through his Spirit in our inner being". This is not a try harder, do more post. This is a way to focus and tap into God's power available to us, to go the direction He is leading.
If you are like me, once you pick the word, it will pop up everywhere like it's in neon letters. I always love how God confirms that we are headed the same direction with verses that I've never even noticed my word in before.
I would love nothing better than if you send me your word! I promise to pray it over your year! Here is to starting 2024 with focus and direction, but more importantly with the God who makes all things new.